General Medicine

General Medicine

General practitioners (GPs) treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. They focus on the health of the whole person combining physical, psychological and social aspects of care.

Gps are often the first point of contact for anyone with a physical or mental health problem and patients can be at their most anxious.

A typical GP appointment is scheduled to last for ten minutes, during which time the GP needs to assess the patient. As anything can come through the door, they make swift and effective decisions based on the presenting symptoms, and the patient’s current and previous medical history. They also use their own knowledge to assess the likelihood of a certain illness being present over another.

Depending on their examination and diagnosis the GP has several management options which they will discuss with the patient as they develop a shared and agreed plan. These can include giving reassurance, giving the patient information, advising on a certain course of action or prescribing medication. Alternatively they may refer the patient for further tests to confirm a diagnosis or as part of an on-going management plan. These can include x-rays, blood tests or referring on for a second opinion. They are trained to spot the signs of “red flag” symptoms, which might indicate a serious problem requiring further investigation and which needs to be acted on promptly.

Patients may occasionally attend the GP with an urgent life-threatening condition, such as anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) or an asthma attack. In these cases the GP will provide life-saving treatment until an ambulance and further help arrives.

Gps have an important role to play in the management of not just of acute problems but also of chronic diseases and the treatment of patients with multiple health conditions, particularly in an ever increasing older population. Balancing and treating multiple problems with a patient’s general health, independence and social care can be complex and challenging, but also rewarding as a GP will know these patients very well.

Gps play a significant role in cardiovascular, metabolic and respiratory diseases and mental health problems. They may run clinics at the surgery for patients with chronic conditions such as asthma, hypertension and diabetes.

So the management found it necessary to maintain a female general practitioner as a member of medscope medical center team, so she can provide her services easily to patients of both sexes. Our general practitioner has the enough knowledge, skills and experience to satisfy all visitors needs in general medicine clinic.